ankha azzura wellness

A Trip into Micro-dosing Psychedelics

In the heart of Amsterdam, a city rich with cultural tapestry, I stumbled upon a hidden gem within the labyrinth of its streets—a concept...

Bathing rituals and the restorative effects of water

Bath or shower? Both have a necessary and hygienic purpose, but there’s an undeniably added sense of indulgence that comes with running a bath.  Of...

How my gluten-free diet saved me from a life of processed foods

Walk into any supermarket these days and you will likely come across a ‘free from’ section, crammed with products geared towards people with food...

Extreme detoxes: My 21-day Panchakarma experience

Last night, I stepped out for my first social outing in weeks. As my friends polished off a delectable cheese board and drank the...

Ayurveda: an introduction to the ancient Indian medical system and why it matters

The 5000-year-old tradition of Ayurveda is said to be the oldest alternative medical science in the history of medicine. With a unique combination of...

Maybe you have been meditating wrong – making meditation a nourishing, embodied experience

Meditation has become a popular practice in recent decades as more people recognize the need for inner peace and healing in our fast-paced world....

What is the Dark Night of the Soul and What Can it Teach Us?

The dark night of the soul is a troubled time for a person; it is a stage which can last for years. In life,...

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