2024 wellness trends

Hunting for the latest in Wellness? Here are the top 10 Wellness Trends to Look Out for in 2024

Are you always on the hunt for wellness trends that will boost your positive thinking and combine mental and physical health? Then you are...

Bathing rituals and the restorative effects of water

Bath or shower? Both have a necessary and hygienic purpose, but there’s an undeniably added sense of indulgence that comes with running a bath.  Of...

How my gluten-free diet saved me from a life of processed foods

Walk into any supermarket these days and you will likely come across a ‘free from’ section, crammed with products geared towards people with food...

Extreme detoxes: My 21-day Panchakarma experience

Last night, I stepped out for my first social outing in weeks. As my friends polished off a delectable cheese board and drank the...

Ayurveda: an introduction to the ancient Indian medical system and why it matters

The 5000-year-old tradition of Ayurveda is said to be the oldest alternative medical science in the history of medicine. With a unique combination of...

Maybe you have been meditating wrong – making meditation a nourishing, embodied experience

Meditation has become a popular practice in recent decades as more people recognize the need for inner peace and healing in our fast-paced world....

What is the Dark Night of the Soul and What Can it Teach Us?

The dark night of the soul is a troubled time for a person; it is a stage which can last for years. In life,...

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