HomeTravelTop 5 Forms of Meditation Around the World

Top 5 Forms of Meditation Around the World

Meditation is a practice that has been embraced by cultures across the globe who take various forms of the spiritual technique to explore the depths of the mind, pursue inner peace, and become closer with the spiritual self. From sound baths to Taoist practices, from Islamic mysticism to indigenous Andes ritual meditation, here we explore some of the rich and diverse forms of meditation practiced worldwide.

Sound Bath Meditation

Sound Bath Meditation is a form that utilizes sounds and vibrations to induce relaxation, release emotions, and enhance mindfulness. This form of meditation breaks away from the generalized idea of silent meditation. Its roots can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Greece, as well as indigenous cultures like Aboriginal Australia. The use of Instruments like gongs, didgeridoos, Tibetan bowls, and chimes are implemented to create rhythmic vibrations echoing an audio akin to the liminal sounds of nature. As a meaning to allow for emotional processing, energy release, and healing.

Taoist Meditation

Taoist Meditation is a form of meditation deeply rooted in the philosophy of Taoism, founded by Laozi in the 6th century BC. The meditation emphasizes self-awareness and being present in the moment. Thus aims to align oneself with the Tao; the underlying principle of the universe. Through practices such as emptying the mind, focusing on natural breathing, and observing the flow of qi (life force), practitioners seek to harmonize their mind, body, and spirit to achieve being in the now.

Zikr Meditation

Zikr is an important spiritual practice within Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam. It revolves around the remembrance of God, with the intention of enlightenment and mental well-being. God representing a force as much as person; where concepts such as to sustain, to create and to meditate. In this vocal meditation, practitioners repeat and release out in breath the 99 names of God in a manner where it carves each name to its purest essence. By immersing themselves in said essence of these names, they aim to deepen their connection with the divinity and force of God in hopes to cultivate a sense of inner peace and spiritual fulfillment.

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana is a form of meditation rooted in Buddhist traditions, originating in ancient India. It focuses on observing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of existence without judgment or attachment. To pursue the state of being without attachment and judgment, the practitioners sit in a still position, concentrating on their breath and inner observations via letting go of one’s own ignorance gracefully rather than forcefully. To which would reduce mental health issues such as anxiety and stress. And through this practice, they develop insight into the impermanent and selfless nature of all phenomena, gaining profound wisdom and liberation from the cycle of attachment and suffering.

Pachamama Inspired Meditation

Tracing back to the Inca Empire, Pachamama Inspired Meditation stems from the indigenous rituals and reverence for Pachamama; the Mother Universe. Still practiced by the Aymara and Quechua peoples of the Andean region of South America, its cultural roots speak on giving back to Pachamama and being on good terms with nature, for she is the provider and creator of nature itself. The meditation involves a more holistic connection and gratitude towards both the physical and spiritual aspects of the world. To realize this, practitioners engage in seated meditation in natural environments, allowing themselves to be grounded by nature’s elements, such as the touch of the wind, the scent of dew, or the sound of rustling branches. This practice fosters a deep appreciation for the Earth and its interconnectedness.

These are just a few examples of the diverse forms of meditation practiced around the world. Each form offers a unique pathway to inner exploration, profound growth, and a deeper connection with oneself and the encompassing spirituality. Whether through sound, breath, vocality, or observation, the common thread among these practices is the pursuit of inner peace, self-discovery, and a harmonious existence.


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  • Lisa Hanley

    Lisa Hanley is both the Founder and Editor of Ankha Azzura Magazine, a media platform that blends her passion in wellness, science, and holistic living. Having spent over a decade working in media, beginning with local radio and print and later transitioning to producing and luxury travel writing, Lisa established Ankha Global in 2022. She attended three universities in the UK to study Journalism and Media studies and currently resides in London with her partner.

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